31st August 2005 /
by James Tauber
I'm pleased to announce the release of a new version of MorphGNT, the morphologically parsed Greek New Testament database made available under a Creative Commons license.
30th August 2005 /
by James Tauber
I'm just about to release [MorphGNT] 5.07 and, shortly after that, a major new release I'll designate 6.07.
3rd August 2005 /
by James Tauber
The outcome of my simulated annealing program is a list of prerequisites to learn along with an indication, every so often, of what new goal has been reached.
16th July 2005 /
by James Tauber
I thought I'd write a quick Python script to check how many accents were on each of the lemmata in [MorphGNT] 5.06.
16th July 2005 /
by James Tauber
Well, it's been about a hundred hours work over the last six months, but I'm pleased to announce the release of a new version of [MorphGNT], the morphologically parsed Greek New Testament database made available under a Creative Commons license.
4th July 2005 /
by James Tauber
This month I should be doing another release of my morphologically-parsed Greek New Testament. This will be release 5.06.
I thought I'd outline my future plans (as they currently stand).
10th June 2005 /
by James Tauber
A couple of months ago, I talked about the current process I'm going through to identify errors in my morphologically parsed Greek New Testament, [MorphGNT]. By the end of April, I was down to 400 mismatches I needed to check. At the time, I thought I'd be able to finish going through them by the time I left to go to Europe on holiday.
19th April 2005 /
by James Tauber
I previously talked about wanting to implement the lexicon language DATR in Python. Well, I just received an email from Henrik Weber saying that (apparently inspired by my post) he has gone and done an implementation at http://pydatr.sourceforge.net/
19th April 2005 /
by James Tauber
For the last few months, I've been making corrections to [MorphGNT] by attempting to merge an English translation (NASB) marked with Strong's numbers with my database. Although it's a tedious process, it's revealing numerous errors.